Parents: By signing this agreement you are agreeing to the following conditions regarding the home stay accommodation arrangements for your son/daughter.
Students: You are are expected to behave in a reasonable way in home stay. Please consider the information in the Student Code of conduct.
Your home stay family will behave with the standards of a reasonable parent and has read this document. By signing this agreement you are agreeing to the following actions while you stay with the family:
You will always give an approximate time you will be home in the evening and inform your home stay if you are going to be late
Discuss with your host mother and father a reasonable time to be home at night and meet the curfew time requirements listed below.
Students in homestay are required to:
Attend your timetabled classes
Inform the school if you are not well and cannot attend class
Inform the home stay family where you are going in the evenings and at weekends and with whom. Ensure they have your phone number and that you have theirs. Provide, where possible, a telephone number and address
Inform your homestay family of your flight departure time and airport
Ask the homestay family or the Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) at TopUp Learning London (Tti) (you will meet them on your first day!) if you have any queries or concerns about cultural differences in the UK
Tell your homestay family if you are not feeling well and ask them to inform the school
All homestay families are Enhanced DBS checked as part of our Safeguarding Policy. This is a legal process that TopUp Learning London (Tti) ensures to check that there is no reason for them not to host children.
If you would like to see a copy of the Safeguarding policies of our homestay provider, please contact us at
Curfew time:
• Students age 16/17 – during the months of May, June, July and August, you must be home before 10pm. Students must be home before 8pm during other months
• Students age under 16 – during the months of May, June, July and August, you must be home before 8pm. Students must be home before 6pm during other months
Students coming as part of a Group or Camp are required to:
• Always follow the rules provided by the group and school leader
• Will not go outside the designated area
• Not leave the accommodation without permission
• Follow the curfew time set by the group and school leader
• If you would like to see a copy of the Safeguarding policies of our homestay provider, please contact us at
An arrival and departure a taxi or coach/minibus transfer is
strongly advised for all students aged 16 and 17 or under.
We use a reputable taxi transfer company. Your son/daughter will be met at arrivals and taken directly to their home stay accommodation. On receipt of all arrival details we will send you a confirmation of the transfer outlining the procedures in place to ensure that your child gets from the airport to their accommodation safely.
If a family member or friend is meeting your child at the airport please complete the below section of this form.
Name Relationship Mobile telephone number Address
If you choose not to book a arrival/departure transfer for your child you should be aware of the following issues:
• Immigration officers (passport control at the airport) may not allow a child with no- one at the airport to greet them to enter the UK
• Your son/daughter will be travelling on public transport to an unfamiliar location. Please ensure you have checked the journey from the airport to the host family together before they fly. Also, ensure they have our emergency telephone number so we can assist, if required.
It is very important that the school and host family are made aware of any illnesses that your son/daughter suffers from, including the medication they are taking. This includes both physical (for example, diabetes, allergies etc.) and mental (depression, anxiety etc.).
Parents - by signing this form you are agreeing that you have told Tti all important medical information regarding your son/daughter's.
Please note, if we are not informed of a health issue during the enrolment process, on arrival we will review their application to ensure we can provide the right level of care.
Our Social Programme offers teacher-led activities Monday-Thursday each week. Friday and the weekends are free-time for the students and they are unsupervised. All activities are encouraged but they are not obligatory. Our Social Programme includes activities suitable for all age groups. When activities are held in premises that serve alcohol Under 18s are not allowed to join under any circumstances. In July and August (peak period at TopUp Learning London (Tti)) there will be a suitable activity arranged for those aged 16/17 and lower from Monday-Thursday. Groups may have additional activities during the week and weekend.
These are important rules your son/daughter must understand before joining our course. They will be explained in greater detail by our staff when they arrive.
- speak English
- be on time for class
- be kind and friendly to other students and report any bullying or harassment to the appropriate staff member
- join in all the lessons and activities
- look after your belongings and the school
- keep your room tidy if staying with a host family or in other accommodation
- have your TopUp Learning London (Tti) student card with you at all times
- smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs
- chew gum in the school
- use your phone during lessons
- don't eat in the classrooms
- damage school property
Students aged 16 and 17 or under are in class with those aged 18 and over. Additional support is in place for those aged 16/17 or under and these include:
• – There is a second Welcome Meeting for this age group on their first Tuesday morning with the Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP). This goes into more detail regarding their welfare and safety in London
• – Regular weekly meeting with the DSP and/or Principal
• – Attendance is checked daily. Your son/daughter must call in before 08.45am if they are unable to attend their classes. If they are not in school at 10.40am they will be contacted by a member of the team. To explain their absence. If not reply, their home stay will be contacted. If we have not heard from the student by 5pm that day, we will contact you to let you know.
Please note that students need to make provision for their own lunch arrangements. There is no onsite canteen or cafeteria. For lunch students can use one of the many cafes near the school, or they can get sandwiches from the nearby bakery,
Melissa’s (94 Camden
High Street), or
Pret A Manger & EAT (opposite the school) or even something from the nearby supermarkets
Sainsbury’s (cheapest),
Marks & Spencer (most expensive). Lunch is arranged for students enrolled to camp, or those in groups that include lunch.
Please read our E-Safety Policy with your son/daughter. This includes details on the risks of Social Media and online. There are our recommendations and guidelines to protect your son/daughter online.
If your son/daughter chooses to study with us and takes the opportunity to volunteer with a local charity, by signing this form you are agreeing to them working with a local charity away from the school's premises. They will be supervised by a manager with an enhanced DBS check but they will be working alongside other volunteers and will be coming into contact with members of the public. Students typically volunteer for 3 to 4 hours per day, 5 days per week. The charities we work with have safeguarding policies in place. If you would like to review these in advance of enrolling your son/daughter then please let us know.
We recommend that students all take out insurance prior to travelling. This is not a service that we offer at Tti School. Tti School of English is a member of English UK. Please see their recommendation or speak to a local company in your country for assistance.
The laws in the UK may be different from those in your home country. This especially applies to the use of tobacco and alcohol.
Students must not have drugs with them (unless prescribed by a doctor) or use any illegal drugs, including cannabis, ecstasy, LSD or amphetamines. It is illegal to carry any sort of weapon including knives, self defence sprays, guns or stun guns.
You must be over 18 to buy tobacco. You must be 18 and over to buy alcohol. Never buy something that you think might be stolen (a mobile phone, DVD etc)
If you need legal assistance, there are a number of organisations that can help you:
Community Legal Service Direct offers access to free legal information and advice- or phone 0845 345 4345. Citizens Advice Bureau at They provide free confidential and independent advice.
11) TopUp Learning London (Tti) - CONTACT DETAILS
You can contact the school during office hours on 0044 7419 2300 Office Hours: Monday And Wednesday 8:30am to 7pm
Office Hours, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8.30 to 5.30pm
Outside office hours you can contact a member of staff on +447391035823. This phone is with our DSPs (those responsible for the wellbeing and safety of students) out of office hours.
A photo of the student will be taken on the first day of classes in order to give him/her the student card. I understand that this is part of the first day procedure and I give consent to have my child's photo taken for this purpose.
Also to comply with data protection laws in the UK, please read and agree to the conditions regarding the use of photographic and video images by TopUp Learning London (Tti). TopUp Learning London (Tti) may use your child's image in materials aimed at the school community ( brochures, newsletters, social media platforms, blog posts), on the school's website, in the background of photos of other students and/or social programme activities . By signing this document I agree to this.
13) travel to and from the school
Parents give permission to student to travel alone from home to and from the school
Group and Camp students must follow the group at all time.
14) Leisure activities
I give permission for my son/daughter to go on any trips organised by the school and to take part in these activities, under supervision: