Name(Required) First Last Course Start Date(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Course End Date(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY The SchoolHow did you hear about TopUp Learning London? Why did you choose us? Did you get any pre-course information from: TUL School The agent The study facilities are:ExcellentGoodSo-soNot goodBadCould they be improved? If, yes, how? The social programme was:ExcellentGoodSo-soNot goodBadCould it be improved? If, yes, how? The administration team were:ExcellentGoodSo-soNot goodBadPlease tell me about the service you received from any staff who were not teachers: Your LessonsTeacher’s name: Time of lesson: The lessons were:ExcellentGoodSo-soNot goodBadPlease tell me about your teacher / classes: Were the lessons (5 = I agree, 1 = disagree) :54321UsefulWelcomingDid you get homework 3 times or more a week? Yes No Would you recommend TUL School to your friends? Yes No Why/why not? (Please write if you do not want us to use your comments for publicity)Google Review/Feedback: Δ