Above all, I would like to tell you what made me come and study English in England and why I decided to come to Tti. I had been dreaming of coming and living in foreign country since I was a little girl, like, nine-year-old. Japan is an island country surrounded by ocean, as you know, so there is no opportunity to speak English and communicate to foreigners whatsoever. So I was strongly feeling that I really need to go out of here and learn English.
I especially longed for coming to England, not only because I hoped to study “alive English”, but also because I really wanted to experience foreign cultures on my own. I would say that London is one of the most multicultural and cosmopolitan city in the world.
Then, when I found the web site of Tti by chance, it looked very lovely and I felt like, “this is the school that I was looking for!” I had no doubt about my decision, and I was completely right because, as I imagined, the atmosphere of Tti is so comfy and nice and all teachers, staffs, and friends are quite friendly, so you can communicate to each other anytime and anywhere, even outside of classroom by using English.
There are also very enjoyable or beneficial social programme every single day prepared by teachers. The other day, I went to the magical Halloween party held by Tti. It was wonderful!! You should have come, really. What is more, Tti is located in the middle of CamdenTown, which is the most fascinating and mesmerising city in London. As a characteristic, there is a huge area of market and I spent a lot of time hanging around there. I found it very interesting. It is quite good access from Camden to any other area around London so you can get wherever you want to go easily and relatively quickly.
Needless to say, I had a great time in London and, thanks to brilliant teachers and friends of Tti, I could definitely improve my English, in terms of speaking, pronouncing correctly, and writing by using a wide range of vocabulary (like this!). They also made me feel very confident of speaking English. I’m very pleased to meet all in Tti, and I’m so happy to have spent my life there as my once in a lifetime opportunity.
Thank you for reading. You are a star!