At TopUp Learning our students’ progress and achievement in their studies is important to us. For this reason we ask students to attend class every day to maximise their learning opportunities.
Students are informed in the Welcome Meeting of our Attendance Policy and a poster is also displayed in each classroom.
Teachers keep a register of attendance each day. They mark students absent, part-attended or present. If a student attends only before the break or after the break they will be marked ‘part-attended’.
If students are unwell or cannot come to school due to an important appointment they are asked to call the school to inform us as early as possible. The office number is 020 7419 2300 and has a 24 hour answering machine. Alternatively by e-mail: info@ttischool com. All messages are given to the Director of Studies.
Under 18 student absence
The teacher will inform the DoS at the first lesson break of the first day of absence if an Under 18 student is absent from class. The DoS will immediately attempt to contact the student. If the student cannot be contacted, the host family, guardian or other contact at their residence will be approached.
If a student is absent for 3 days from class:
The teacher will inform our DoS on the third consecutive day of absence. She will contact the student by telephone and a email will be sent reminding the student that they risk losing their place on the course if they do not contact the school before the date mentioned in the email (usually one week later).
Students who have received an e-mail from the school must speak to the Administration team in the office or the Director of Studies, before returning to class.
If a student continues to be absent for 5 school days or more:
If a student continues to be absent for five school days or more without any contact, their name will be removed from the register. The student’s emergency contact will also be approached after an extended period of absence if the student cannot be contacted and verify their safety and well-being.
Students who are in this situation must speak to the Administration team or the Director of Studies, instead of going back to the class. We will decide what to do on a case-by-case basis.
Students who have consistently bad attendance:
We expect students to have 100% attendance to all classes. The Director of Studies will send an email to students whose attendance falls below 80% in a 2 week period. Attendance letters will also be delivered by hand to the student in question.
The stages of attendance warning are as follows:
Stage 1
The student will receive an email and be asked to see the DoS as soon as they come into school. This first meeting is of a welfare-centred nature, as our first priority is to make sure the student is comfortable both in and outside of school. However, at this point students will be reminded that if their attendance does not improve they will receive a second warning and risk losing their certificate.
Stage 2
If the student’s attendance does not improve, they will receive a second email and again be asked to report to the DoS where a second discussion will highlight any pattern that has emerged and an agreement on how to improve attendance will be made. Again, the student will be informed that if their attendance does not show improvement they will receive a third warning letter, this time from the Principal. This letter would be distributed to any fee-payer or agent also.
Stage 3
If the student’s attendance continues to fall they will receive a final email and the third attendance letter and be asked to meet with the Principal to discuss the possible consequences, one of which is expulsion.
Students who finish their course with less than 80% attendance will not receive a certificate.
Policy to be reviewed:Â January 2021
Reviewed by: Principal and Director of Studies
TopUp Learning Policy Handbook 2021