TopUp Learning London (Tti) understands its responsibilities under the Counter Terrorism & Security Act 2015 to prevent people of all ages being radicalised or drawn into terrorism and seeks to meet its obligations in the ways shown below.
We are located in Camden within a multi-cultural community and always promote a multi-cultural environment where respect for and tolerance of others’ beliefs is required. We accept students aged 16+ throughout the year and from many different countries around the world and encourage understanding and acceptance of differences as well as promoting core British values.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that everyone at TopUp Learning London (Tti) is aware of their Prevent duty, why it is important and the behaviour expected of them. It is linked closely with our Staff and Student Codes of Conduct. We expect all adults reading this document to be clear on their role and responsibilities.
Responsibility for ensuring Prevent Duty is met is by the Principal and delivery of the policy, all concerns, reports and responsibility for recording incidents are met by DoS or in his absence, the Principal.
In addition to our in-house policy, TopUp Learning London (Tti) is committed to maintaining contact with local Prevent authorities and keeping up-to-date with any legislative changes, best practice suggestions and support opportunities shared through that network.
Key terminology:
“radicalisation” – act or process of making a person more radical or favouring of extreme or fundamental changes in political, economic or social conditions, institutions or habits of the mind. “extremism” * – holding extreme political or religious views which may deny right to any group or individual. Can be expressed in vocal or active opposition to:
“Core British values” including (i) democracy, (ii) the rule of law, (iii) individual liberty, (iv) respectful tolerance of different faiths or beliefs.
*NB: extremism can refer to a range of views, e.g. racism, homophobia, right-wing ideology, as well as any religious extremism.
Related Policies:
Student Code of Conduct
Staff Code of Conduct
Safeguarding Policy
Bullying and Harassment Policy
E-Safety Policy
Excursions Policy
TopUp Learning Parental Agreement
TopUp Learning London (Tti) Policy Manual 2021
What we understand to be risks
- Staff, students and other adults (group leaders, host families etc) may arrive at school already holding extremist views.
- Or, whilst part of the school, they may be influenced by a range of factors: global events, peer pressure, media, family views, extremist materials via hardcopy or online, inspirational speakers, friends or relatives being harmed, social networks.
- People who are *vulnerable are more likely to be influenced.
*Vulnerability could stem from causes such as: loss of identity or sense of belonging, isolation, exclusion, mental health problems, sense of injustice, personal crisis, victim of hate crime or discrimination, bereavement
How we counteract risks
- We promote a safe and supportive international environment by sharing clear expectations of accepted behaviours and those, including radicalisation and extremism, that will not be tolerated.
- We promote core British values through documents given to students, notices around school, and through their integration into the curriculum and social activities.
- We aim to develop critical awareness and thought to counter accepting extremism without question.
- We expect all staff members to challenge radical or extremist views in any context (formal or informal) via stated procedures. In most situations this would require an immediate response, referring to international environment of school, and tolerance expected, then reporting concerns to the Prevent Lead.
- Each staff member receives Prevent training to ensure they understand:
- the context and expectations of Prevent
- their duty to implement the policy
- the terminology and risks associated with radicalisation and extremism
- how to identify and support vulnerable students
- how the school will counteract the risks
- the signs that may cause concern
- who the lead Prevent person is and the procedures for communicating concerns
- the importance of their own behaviour and professionalism in (a) being exemplars of British values and (b) not discussing inflammatory subjects with students.
- We adapt training to ensure that homestay hosts understand how they are involved and responsible.
- We inform students and group leaders of their involvement and shared responsibility.
- We are ready to react when world or local events cause upset and the likelihood of conflicting feelings being expressed.
- We maintain strong filters on IT equipment and give clear rules on accessing extremist / terrorist websites / uses of social networks to exchange extremist / terrorist views
- Any guests to the school are vetted to ensure that extremist speakers do not use premises to distribute material or expound views.
- Our staff and host families are encouraged to get to know students, their home circumstances and friendship groups. Through knowing students well, it is easier to spot changes in behaviour.
- Our staff and host families are asked to be observant and vigilant in noticing any signs of radical or extremist behaviour and report anything concerning.
- We are all committed to supporting any students identified as vulnerable and each staff member receives regular safeguarding training, and all host families receive initial training.
- Our Prevent lead has made contact with local authorities offering advice and support in Prevent.
What we look out for
- Students talking about exposure to extremist materials or views outside school
- Changes in behaviour, e.g. becoming isolated
- Changes in attitude to study; poor attendance, disengagement
- Changes in attitude, e.g. intolerant of differences, having closed mind
- Asking questions about certain topics (e.g. connected to extremism)
- Offering opinions that appear to have come from extremist ideologies
- Use of extremist vocabulary to exclude others or incite violence
- Overt new religious practices
- Students demonstrating behaviour associated with extremism, i.e. attempting to impose own views / beliefs on others, displaying drawings or posters (e.g. in accommodation) showing extremist ideology, accessing extremist material online or via social network sites,
- Students voicing concerns about anyone
NB: Any concerns relating to a person under 18 are safeguarding issues are dealt with by our DS and DSL (if different from Prevent lead) and, where necessary, the LSCB contacted.
How we react
- TopUp Learning have a responsibility to investigate any student at TopUp Learning believed to be at risk. The Prevent lead must be approached if there is any concern regarding one of the students.
- Concerns will be recorded using the Prevent Concern Form. These are kept securely, password protected, in chronological order.
- The Prevent lead will respond to the Concern in the manner they see fit following their training. This could be monitoring, further investigation, discussing the matter with parent/ agent/ homestay host, or in some cases consulting the local authority, or police.
- Each staff member, student, host family and group leader is made aware of the Prevent lead and the school policy and is given contact details.
- We assure confidentiality for the person reporting a concern and that the concern will be dealt with sensitively.
Policy preparation and review
The policy was prepared by the Director of Studies after consultation with staff and associated outside agencies on 19th January 2018.
The policy will be reviewed after 12 months or earlier if there are changes in relevant legislation or in response to any significant incidents or changes in circumstance.
Next review: January 2022
TopUp Learning London (Tti) Policy Manual 2021