Rider Registration Form

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DD slash MM slash YYYY

Emergency Contact No.1

Emergency Contact No.2

Never ridden beforeBeginnerNoviceIntermediateAdvanced
Riding at walkTrotting with stirrupsTrotting without stirrupsCanteringHackingRiding over jumps (Specify height)Riding over cross-country jumps (Specify height)

Horse Riders Code of Conduct

  • I understand that riding at any standard has inherent risk and that all horses may react unpredictably on occasions and I may fall off and could be injured. I accept that risk.
  • I understand that the riding school may refuse my request to ride for safety and operational reasons.
  • I understand that instructions are given for my safety and agree to follow instructions given to me by staff and instructors at the riding school.
  • I understand I should discuss any concerns I may have, including allocation of horse or instructor, with the centre.
  • I understand that wearing a correctly secured riding hat, that meets current safety standards, may reduce the severity of an injury. I agree I will always wear the riding hat whilst riding, or on other occasions as requested by the Centre. Sikh people are exempted while they are wearing a turban. We do advise to offer the option to wear a riding hat and explain the associate risks when horse riding and to sign a declaration of Acceptance of Risk and Indemnity if a turban is worn.
  • I understand and agree to follow the centre’s rules on the wearing of a body protector.
  • I understand that the riding school will make decisions based on information I give them and agree to always be honest and volunteer information about:
    • my abilities and riding experience
    • any previous riding accidents
    • any medical condition(s) which may affect my ability to ride
  • I understand that children can be at particular risk around horses and agree that I will keep any I am responsible for, under close supervision when they are not being instructed by the centre.

I confirm in that to the best of my knowledge all of the above details are correct. I have read the Horse Riders’ Code of Conduct. I understand that riding at any standard has inherent risk that I may fall off and could be injured. I accept that risk and agree that the riding school will not be liable for injury or damage to property unless it is caused by their negligence. Where I am signing on behalf of a person under the age of 18 I have explained the Riders’ Code of Conduct to my ward and we both accept the risk and agree that the riding school will not be liable for injury or damage to property unless it is caused by their negligence. I have read and understand the lesson booking and cancellation policy, and agree to abide by it at all times. I understand that information I have given will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) but may also be made available to insurers and other concerned parties in the event of any injury or accident.

DD slash MM slash YYYY

If the rider is under the age of 18 this form must be signed by the person with parental responsibility

Rider Initial Assessment - To be completed by Instructor The client has been assessed and our judgement of their capabilities is as follows:

Complete beginner (lead rein/lunge) Beginner (Managing walk & trot independently) Working towards Stage 1 (Walk, trot, canter independently)
Working towards Stage 2 (walk, trot, canter, SJ) Working towards Stage 3 (walk, trot, canter, jump – SJ & XC) Working towards Stage 4+

Assessment Lesson Content:

Walk Trot Canter
W/O Stirrups Jump Lateral Work
On-lunge Off-lunge

Horse Used:

Lesson Type:


Name of Instructor:


Please use the space below to record any extra notes from the assessment, use an extra sheet of paper if required:

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