Christmas and New Year in London

New Year in London

Christmas and New Year are just around the corner and unlike many other schools, Tti School stays open during the holidays! Every year we offer a course for our current students and students visiting London for those two weeks who wish to improve their English.

The content of the lessons will depend on the makeup of the classes – our syllabus and lesson plans are negotiated depending on students’ needs, lacks and wants. But everybody should expect fun lessons led by experienced teachers who will incorporate Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening skills as well as work on Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation. You may have a lesson explaining the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland that will incorporate listening tasks, vocabulary building and speaking presentations. Or practice a comprehensive list of phrasal verbs around decorating the house for Christmas. Or even complex grammar points used to express the future, to give advice and recommendation and even grammar needed to speculate, hypothesise and complain.

Of course, Christmas and New Year is a special time to visit London and students should expect some of the lessons to incorporate some of the traditions and themes of Christmas. As well as the lessons, our always exciting Social Programme is particularly special during the holidays with plenty of activities with the best the city has to offer in this magical time. We have planned visits to galleries, museums and special exhibitions, visits to traditional restaurants and award-winning pubs as well as Winter Festivals and even the giant Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square – in the heart of historical London. Not to mention the fantastic Sales in the West End where all prices get dramatically reduced on the 26th of December.

The school atmosphere is cosy and oh so very festive with our Christmas decorations and mince pies to snack on while in class. It’s a very special period to study in London and we guarantee that you will have the best of times!

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