Teaching English Online – One Minute English Series

Teaching English Online

Welcome to Topup Learning, a complete online English school. A global online learning platform focus on English language, business, and bite-sized professional programs. Today we are going to learn about the benefits of teaching English online in our one minute English lesson series.

Video Transcript

Hi guys, my name is Adrian from Brighton in the UK. I’ve been teaching English for about ten years now, and I’ve taught students of all ages from all around the world. I’ve worked at schools in China, England, and Vietnam, and of course, now I’m teaching online.

I’ve found that teaching online is really useful because we’ve got the world of technology at our fingertips, so we can look at examples of natural language from social media, from movies, TV, and the news, in addition to all of our coursebook materials.

I can help you with exam English, with English for business or English for travel, or just English for your life.

What’s the most enjoyable thing about teaching English? Well, I think that it’s always really interesting to learn about different people from different cultures all over the world, and I really love helping people to communicate in another language, looking at the differences between both languages and the way we communicate.

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