Prince played a surprise gig in Camden Town and our D.O.S and resident Prince fanatic, Camilla Harrison , tells us all about it!
Last week with His Royal Purpleness (Prince) playing at The Electric Ballroom on the first night of his new tour with his new band (3rdEyeGirl) to promote his new album “Plectrum Electrum”, was there any doubt that I would do anything to be there!
In true Tti team style, Marianne started queuing outside the venue at midday, and was replaced by John and Sergio at 1pm who then stoically stayed in line the whole wet, cold afternoon to keep Tti a place!
By 6pm, Tti commanded a large part of the front(ish) part of the queue. The Tti Prince fans were: John, Ella (John’s wife), Sergio, Sonia, Ana, Walid, Matt, Marianne, Sam and, of course, ME!!!
I got right to the front and shortly afterwards the afro-haired Prince took to the stage with his all-girl band and played a set of fast-paced punk rock for an hour – so cool! He came on for two encores, by which time I couldn’t scream anymore and my voice had gone!
Seeing Prince perform so close to school, in a small venue with all my friends was the best birthday eve present EVER!!:)
Prince is going to be in London for a while. As he said in a recent interview on 6 Music “We’re going to be here until people don’t want to hear us any more.” So, if you have the chance, go and see him, he is worth queuing for!
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